After being staged in Brussels at ULB – Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta last October 2018 and Barcelona at Arts Santa Mònica last April 2019, the exhibition _IMPORT WB_EXPORT BCN RE-ACTIVATE THE CITY continues its itinerancy at Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) in Tarragona.
The exhibition, curated by Nicola Regusci and Xavier Bustos in collaboration with Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures, will be on display from the 19th of September until 14th November.
19th September 2019
Opening conference, 7.30pm, Sala d’Exposicions de la Demarcació de Tarragona: Lecture led by A229 (Import Wallonie-Bruxelles) + Taller 9s (Oriol Cusidó + Irene Marzo) (Export Bcn). The opening speech will be given by Xavier Bustos and Nicola Regusci (Cities Connection Project), curators of the exhibition.
17th October 2019
Intermediate conference, 7.30pm Sala d’Exposicions de la Demarcació de Tarragona: Lecture led by AGWA architects (Import Wallonie-Bruxelles) + GATPA (Alex Gallego + Jordi Adell + Gerard Puig + David Tapias) (Export Bcn).